You may like these other Mii creations. If you want me to shout out another project, ask me and I will add it if I think it's cool.
Mii Creator by kat21 - web app that lets you create, import, edit, and even make full body renders with poses. Best non-console Mii editor right now.
- Open source, powered by three.js, TypeScript, and my API (it is currently server-based). Development is far more active, feel free to help them out!
- You may even consider it a successor to my tool, since progress has been slow recently. I helped the author out with the shaders, though I hope I can make my own Mii Maker-like app in the not too distant future. I really hope you enjoy kat's site.
My JSFiddles - Yes, a bit of self-promotion, but notably I wrote snippets for: rendering Mii GLTF & shader in three.js, en/decoding Mii QRs with game extra data, Mii to Studio format converter in JS without a server, a Switch Mii color reference... I occasionally add more too.
See Even More Resources
Sorry if I didn't put your favorite tool above, I didn't want to add an endless amount to scroll through. I'm prioritizing what I think is coolest and most recent. Here is more to explore:
- extractor - Originally by Abood, this tool exports and import shapes and textures from FFL resources, and my fork can also do AFL/Miitomo resources. If you currently use mii-assets by jaames, stop, and use this - This script labels and extracts all resource data (vtx normals, transforms, deswizzling) unlike mii-assets.
PF2M Mii Renderer - You probably already know about this, but it uses the Mii Studio API that may provide a little bit more accuracy (until I get my stuff together and fix body model/scaling), and it doesn't need self-hosting. I won't blame you if you prefer this at all!
My Avatar Editor (WiiLink archive) - Old Wii-era Flash Mii editor. If it works, it works, right? The .mae files it exports are compatible with this site (same as .rcd)
HEYimHeroic's Mii Library and MiiDataFiles - Resources for Miis in various consoles, games, etc., in many formats.
WiiLink CMOC Viewer - Browser for their Check Mii Out Channel revival, with thousands of Miis to explore and download.
MiiPort - Lets you import and export Miis from a homebrewed Switch.
- The source is also a great resource for Mii structures and Switch color conversion tables.
MiiInfoEditorCTR - Can edit fields in your 3DS/Wii U Mii data.
- I actually don't know if there are any tools for reading Wii U Mii Maker databases (FFL_ODB.dat). Unless this counts.
Mii Blender resources: Mii2U Blender Mii Maker, pvr-model-extractor by jaames/PicelBoi fork, Yodakiller3000 Miitomo rip tutorial
- Note that I have used literally none of these. I just hope they will be helpful.