Mii Renderer (REAL)

Choose NNID, PNID, QR Code, or data:

You can also select a file or photo:
Status: Ready to scan.

This will only show Miis from NNIDs as they were prior to April 8th, 2024.

This option will refresh your Mii if we keep showing you an old version. It will not solve any other problems.
Pretendo Network is a revival of the Nintendo Network and Miiverse services for the Wii U and 3DS. Check them out here: pretendo.network
This field accepts 96-byte regular Base64 Mii data you can find on account.nintendo.net or the Miiverse API.
The data is not 96 bytes long (FFLStoreData), but the size of the data (88) matches nn::mii::CharInfo (AKA ".charinfo", AFLiNXCharInfo, seen in Switch titles).
This is Mii data meant for the Switch, so you will need to convert accordingly.
If you have access to the Switch SDK, first of all, please call me.
But if you do, you can use the following function to convert CharInfo to nn::mii::Ver3StoreData, otherwise known as FFLStoreData/CFLStoreData.
nn::mii::Database::Convert(CharInfo* pInfo,const Ver3StoreData& ver3StoreData)

(as of july 8 background colors are not working sorry)

